Welcome to ArianeGroup Whistleblowing platform

In accordance with our ethics and compliance rules and applicable laws and regulations, this secure platform allows confidential reporting and exchange with the Company. It is open to Employees and Occasional and External Staff

Employees or Occasional and External Staff can use this platform to report, in strict confidentiality, serious facts (relating to the scope defined in the Procedure) of which they have personal knowledge.
The company is committed to protect from retaliation anyone who speak up selflessly, on a substantiated basis, and in good faith.
The reporter must not reveal facts or documents containing classified information or unclassified controlled information or subject to export control restrictions as well as information covered by medical confidentiality or legal privilege.
Organisation profile

Organisation ArianeGroup

  • ArianeGroup - A.-C. Rochefort, Group Ethics and Compliance Officer
  • Arianespace - D. Ardaine, Director Legal Division
  • Cilas - M. Lassailly , Chief Legal Officer
  • Sodern - R. Moisan, Chief Financial Officer
Related entities
  • ArianeGroup Holding, SAS
  • Cilas
  • Arianespace
  • Sodern
To know

The confidentiality of your identity, the identity of those who may be implicated as well as of the alleged facts is preserved when reported and throughout the processing of the Alert.
Only designated referents will be recipients of information that you will communicate to us by using the web-form.
Once the form is completely filled in, and the report is submitted, a confidential code, specific to the report, will be automatically generated by the platform.
This code will allow you to follow up your report. A messaging system embedded in the platform allows to communicate with the referent(s) or with the authorized persons appointed to handle the Alert.